• Andrew 646 703-2231
  • Martin 347-721-7074
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



1. How to apply??

To become an the EWC participant, go to www.edk.org.pl, select the proposed route in your area and sign up. A given region decides about opening the records. The registration usually starts on Ash Wednesday.  It will be anounced on our page and on the page posted above.  


2. How to prepare for the tour? What to have with you?

Each of the EWC participants takes part in it at their own risk. Having several years of experience in EWC, we suggest what is worth and even should have with you on the way and what to pay attention to.


- prepare provisions for the road (food, drink, thermos with hot tea, water,

- high-energy provisions: chocolate, bars, halva); all in one backpack,

- take the route description with you or your mobile device with the EWC application, thanks to which it will be possible to use the GPS track of the given route

- bring warm clothes, comfortable and waterproof shoes suitable for long hikes (the route can be muddy and slippery in some places)

- waterproof clothing, suitable for several gradual temperature changes and unfavorable weather conditions,

- have with you: a charged mobile phone, a flashlight (preferably a headlamp), primary dressings, reflectors (preferably reflective vests),

- check the local weather forecast,

- inform your relatives about the planned departure,

- secure the possibility of return transport in case of necessity to resign from the further journey; - remember that EWC includes risk and consent to unforeseeable events,

- think about how you will get back on the EXTREME WAY OF THE CROSS

- read carefully the course and nature of the selected route.

It's worth:

- prepare your wooden hand made cross,

- have poles for hiking (e.g., for Nordic walking),

- have a map of the area along which the EWC route runs,

Also, remember that too much weight on the back means a greater load and more significant fatigue during the journey. The maximum number of people making up one group going to EWC is ten people. At the same time - it is possible to complete the route alone, in a pair, in a smaller group.


3. Are there any fees associated with participation in the EWC ?

Participation in the EWC is a free event. Each person sets out on their own responsibility. It is not a pilgrimage. Therefore no fees are charged for the opportunity to experience EWC. On the church premises from which the road starts, you can acquire souvenirs. The purchases supports the activities of the project.

4. How can I get the EWC considerations, and in what form are they available?

The considerations will be available at www.edk.org.pl (in the form of text). You can also buy a booklet of considerations - they will be available in most church areas where the EWC begins.

5. When does the EWC take place?

 To check the EWC date on the route you are interested in, go to www.edk.org.pl.

6. What is the history of EWC ?

The Extreme Way of the Cross begins in 2009. Its originator is Fr. Jacek WIOSNA Stryczek together with the Men's Side of Reality community and the WIOSNA Association. The first EXTREME WAY OF THE CROSS took place in 2009 on the route from Krakow to Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. In 2013, it had 12 locations, and approximately 2,000 people took part in the journey. Already in 2015, there were about 11,000 participants, and regions - 66. In 2017, more than 250 registered regions - also outside Poland.

7. Is a priest accompanying us during the Extreme Way of the Cross?

The EWC is not a classic form of pilgrimage. Priests take part in EWC; however, they are the same participants as everyone. He is not a guide or moderator of considerations.

8. What is the rule of silence during the Extreme Way of the Cross?

At the EWC, the rule of silence serves an individual, personal experience of the Way of the Cross.

9. Why was an organized rest stop during the EWC not planned?

The EWC is not an organized pilgrimage. The idea is to struggle with yourself, so rest stops are an individual matter.

10. Is there any afforestation if you are considering an the EWC ?

The solutions are searched for links, the team spiritually activated the ECW regions, so we, when using those specially prepared by ECW just download from this page. You can also buy them on the day of departure at the ECW exit point (next to the church).

11. Can diable persons taking part in the Extreme Way of the Cross?

It all depends on the degree and nature of the accompanying person. All, all workshops, courses, methods, free methods by forest or courses and free environment under the workshop. Depending on the weather conditions, the terrain can be muddy or even boggy in places. You should take good care of planning, that steps have been put in place, that routes have been put in place to make it difficult for organizers to prepare for people.

12. Can a minor under the care of a parent / guardian participate in the EWC ?

The EWC is for adults. Minor data participation in this event is incomplete. At the same time, we do not interfere with them when an adult goes on a journey with his child. Way of exercising care over minors by parents / guardians of the resulting corrections that limit the place that have been repaired.


13. What is the difference between an EWC route and a similar EWC route?

ECW route:

I. is over 40km OR

II. is over 30 km and the sum of elevations exceeds 500m OR

III. it is over 30 km long for major terrain difficulties, e.g. swamps.

The route similar to the ECW:

does not meet one of the conditions on the website.


14. Why is it worth becoming a District Leader?

The role of the District Leader is a great responsibility that requires commitment, but it is also, as we have learned from numerous testimonies, a source of great satisfaction from the possibility of a real impact on the local community, an adventure and an opportunity to meet many wonderful, passionate people. It is also a great opportunity to increase your competences in the field of managing yourself in time, team and projects.

15. What does the EWC Staff propose?

  • route
  • mobile application where you can find the GPS track of the selected route (Play Store, Apple Store)
  • route description available at edk.org.pl
  • Holy Mass, which the participant can take part in before embarking on his tour


16. What in particular does the EWC Staff not provide?

Remember that when you go on a journey you take responsibility for yourself. The EWC is not a pilgrimage, no meal breaks, technical markings in the field or assistance of technical persons, which would facilitate the passage of the route, are provided. Moreover, no medical assistance or transport from the final destination to the starting point are provided.

The remaining

Additional questions and answers on the website www.edk.org.pl.



the Way of the Cross which may change your life!

March 31st 2023, 7:30pm.

Until the next EWC there are: