The strength of EWC is the moment when a person who embarked on a night tour experiences a crisis. Everything inside screams: why are you not in your bed? Why not be in your comfort zone. What do you need this?
Usually, it happens in the morning, with the sun's dawn. When many, many people lack strength. Then, to go on, you have to say: God, now that I feel so bad, I want to meet you. Not to make me feel good, but to make me better. God likes such requests and hears them.
EWC answers the fundamental problem of many people. They are not satisfied with their lives, but they are afraid of change - they don't want to lose what they have. They have their comfort zone, inside which there are a lot of unresolved problems. However, when a person crosses these boundaries once during Extreme Way Cross, he can believe that he can change his life.
ECW is not a sport but a way to change your existence.
ECW does not develop because a lot of money has been investedÿ in its advertising. People who changed thankfulness to it talk about ECW. It is the strength of ECW, the people who changed thanks to it! ECW spirituality is a gift for ourselves.
ECW is a new form of spirituality and an old tradition.
It refers to ancient forms of spirituality, i.e., pilgrimages to holy places. There is a lot of Franciscan spirit in it, in which man turns to God with body and soul. It is a departure from the merely mental practice of faith.
Man is soul and body. A beautiful heart must live in a fit body. Asceticism is the basis of the spiritual life, so ECW is also attended by people who do not go to church or do not believe.
ECW is not about sports and racing, but about spirituality, spending time alone with yourself and God.
ECW is a new form of spirituality. People today do not want to hear about God but want to meet Him. People today do not want to hear about prayer but to experience blessing. EWC makes it possible.
At the same time, ECW meets the challenges of our times. For example, how many people complain about the lack of time and it is impossible to participate in the way of the cross in the church every week, as was practiced thirty years ago. ECW is a specific accumulation of zeal.
Fr. Arcybishop Celestino Migliore, former Apostolic Nuncio in Poland walked through EWC alone. Stated, that for him as someone from Piedmont, its normal! He is, after all, a man from mountains.
the Way of the Cross which may change your life!
March 31st 2023, 7:30pm.
Until the next EWC there are: